Thursday, November 21, 2013

Week 12

Let's talk about our designs. We came up with a few different designs before we were settled with this 4x4x4 LED motor-trigger cube. We first came up with a spherical  design which the LED's would be appeared as an sphere, our insight and goal was to demonstrate the surface of our planet on this design; however, in order to create a perfect sphere we would need a tremendous amount of LED to create a higher pixel, another problem was that to create such model we need to be very experienced at soldering. Therefore we banned out this idea. Our second idea was to create a 2-dimensional circular LED board that rotates to form a LED sphere, with two dimensional space we don't need to worry about the cost of LED and soldering skill. Unfortunately, it's necessary to spin the LED at a very high speed to perform an illusion like this in the video.
A powerful motor is required and we could not come up with a solution to the connection between the Arjuino board and the spinning LED. Our third option was cubic LED screen, which is what we are working on at the moment; however, to make it challenging we decided to combine motors a switch to our cube. There will be two different parts in this project; 1) rotational tirgger 2) 3-D LED screen. The motor triggers will consist of an Arjuino board  that control one motor, another motor will be attached to the LED circuit board. Therefore two codes will be running at the same time when one motor triggers another motor to turn on the 3D-LED screen. 

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